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The Anti-Bullying lead in our school is Mrs Rachel Moxley:

What is bullying?

‘Behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.’ (Safe to Learn: embedding Anti- Bullying work in schools). Bullying can take many forms and it can be motivated by prejudice against particular groups, for example on grounds of ethnicity, religion, belief, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation or disability, or because a child is in care, has caring responsibilities or mental health issues. It might be motivated by actual differences, perceived differences or as a result of association with someone else.

At Dovers Green we are committed to providing a warm, caring and safe environment for all of our children.  We would expect all our children to feel safe in school and have an understanding of the issues relating to safety, such as bullying. We want them to feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our school. Children are taught about expected/acceptable behaviour and about behaviour that is not expected/unacceptable, in order to ensure that our environment is positive and safe for learning. Children are taught the difference between 'rude' and 'mean' behaviour and the repetitious nature of bullying.

Every November we take part in the National Anti-Bullying Week, underpinned by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. Last year it took place on the 13th-17th November 2023 and had the theme 'Make a NOISE about Bullying'. The week kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where adults and children wore odd socks to celebrate what makes them unique. 

Reporting and Responding to Bullying

Our school has clear systems for reporting bullying for the whole school community (including staff, parents/carers, children and young people) and this includes those who are the victims of bullying or have witnessed bullying behaviour (bystanders). We strongly encourage parents/ carers to share any concerns about bullying with the class teacher or headteacher.

Child friendly flowchart for children to follow if they think they are being bullied or if they think someone else is being bullied:

Please click here to view a copy of our current Anti-Bullying Policy.

There is also a child-friendly leaflet to support children staying safe and happy at school and what to do if things go wrong. Each year we send home a copy with your child. A copy can be viewed here: Anti-Bullying Leaflet or you can request a copy from the school office.

Please find below links to other organisations where you can receive further support: